
Chasing Cars



9 Years
03-01-2016, 11:09 PM

It would appear that his presence only served to worsen her mood, which was clearly seen in her body language. Now, on top of being upset from whatever it was that was bothering her, she was also tense and uncomfortable. Xephyris knew he had options here. He could make it easier by bidding her adieu and leaving her alone. But... he really wanted her shade, as there just wasn't much suitable shelter around here. And a dip in the hot springs was surely not going to help on a day like this. So, as she hesitantly acquiesced to his request, he dipped his head. "Thanks," he murmured as he stepped in close - she'd backed up and made just enough room for him, so he would squeeze himself into the shade beside her. He sighed with some relief, as the sun could no longer reach his thick pelt.

Now he glanced at her sideways, noticing her nervous flick of ears. Why was she so nervous? She was from Fiori, right? He hadn't noticed anything off about her scent, so it couldn't be that she was in the wrong place. Was he just that intimidating? Ah, he didn't mind. It had been a while since he'd been in the presence of anyone who was afraid of him; it was kind of nice. Being around such soft wolves all the time made him wonder if he himself was becoming soft as well. "Only been here since the change in season, myself," he replied, muttering, "Haven't even found a decent place to rest." He turned his head so that he could face her, shifting his silver eyes upon her curious violet eyes. "So, do you have a name, miss?" he asked in a rather gruff tone, eyeing her, still wondering what was up with her.

"Talk" "You" Think