
{AW} Hide Away


03-01-2016, 11:11 PM

Livi slowly picked her way through the thick underbrush with an irritated flick of her ear. What a welcome these lands had for her. Her pale purple gaze glanced around her lazily. There wasn't much to see since the fog cloaked everything around her, blocking her from seeing much of anything of her surroundings. She let a deep breath out slowly through her nose as she came to a stop. If only she could attack brambles like she could wolves... She'd be out of this place much more quickly than she was now tip toeing around them. This place wasn't all bad she supposed... It was quiet. That was certainly a new experience for her. Her entire life had been spent around family with very little alone time available to her. Who knew a quiet like this existed?

A voice filtered through the quiet, a grumbling curse that made her brow raise curiously. She looked ahead of her and slowly materializing out of the fog was a shadowy figure, slowly revealing a gray-hued wolf. She saw his eyes first, the bright hues cutting through the dreary surroundings. What an interesting way to encounter her first wolf of her new... what would she call these lands? Home? Was this continent her new home? She wasn't sure. "Someone piss you off, hm?" she asked as the male grew closer, her voice a smooth with just a hint of curiosity. Her head tipped slightly to the side as she looked at him. She really didn't even think he had intended to come in her direction, but now here they were and she was interested.

"Talk" "You" Think