
{AW} Fireflies



5 Years
03-02-2016, 12:12 PM

Like a moth to a flame, Serefina was drawn to the volcano. With ease she picked her way up the steep slope, the warmth of the rock soothing her to her very core. A deep sigh left her body, her side leaning up against the side of the volcano. Finding the large flat area that her family used to stay in, the flame marked woman settled down on an outcrop of stone. Heat absorbed into her, even though it was summer, it was nice to feel it on her belly as well. This was the best season, when heat ruled over all. And took away the stupid snow. Her ears pinned back to her skull as she snarled at the thought of the stupid white substance. She hated winter with a fiery passion. This spring had hardly been any better though, with all the rain the ground had been wet and covered in mud. It was like walking through slush, and Sere also disliked water. In fact, there was probably more things that she hated than liked. She liked to fight though, oh yes. Her lips pulled back as she grinned a toothy grin, her body wiggling on the warm rock that she rested on. Maybe she should make her way to the battlefield and stretch her legs again. It had been awhile since her last fight, and it was nice to practice on someone other than her brother.

At the thought of Voltage, her ears flicked back slightly. She hadn't seen him for quite some time, and her heart ached for her other half. They were together more than they were apart, and she missed him so much. Maybe Arcus had been right, maybe she couldn't live without him. Shaking her head, Serefina tried to instead focus on the warmth of the rock beneath her, to allow her soul to rest. She would set things straight sooner or later, she always did.


Art by Lunarcat7