
Too Close To The Edge



5 Years
03-02-2016, 12:23 PM (This post was last modified: 03-02-2016, 12:24 PM by Evelyn.)

It wasn't like she really fully left, after all, she had been lingering close to the borders since she had come back. She tried to not get too close, she didn't want to be found and dragged back to that dreaded beach anyways. What was interesting to her though, is that they had extended their territory to the prairies, a place where a pack had resided before. It was this territory that she stuck close to, not even wanting to see the damn beach. Today though, the fiery woman was perhaps a little too close to her family pack. Not crossing the border, Serefina tried to remain as hidden as possible while trying to snoop into the territory as well. Since finding out that Voltage had had another litter, she was trying to spot him without having to call for him. If she did howl for Volt, who knew who else would come to see her. She had no intentions of rejoining Dono, at least not for now. She felt better on her own... kinda. She still missed Voltage, and there was a tiny part of her that craved to be with her family again. Okay, maybe more than tiny. Was that why she was playing with fire today, dancing too close to the pack territory? Maybe there was a small part of her that wanted to be caught. Shaking her head, she hunkered down into a bush, wiggling her form under it so that she could watch from her hiding place. Hopefully the scent marker would drown out her own smell, allowing her to remain hidden here. It was a nice look out, she could pretty much see across the entire territory from here. Ember eyes kept scanning the horizon, her body tense and ready to flee if the need arose.


Art by Skylark