
{AW} Hide Away


03-02-2016, 04:45 PM

Livi quirked a brow curiously at the man as he shook his head, his taking a while to focus on her own. She had to resist the urge to glance around her and make sure there wasn't something next to her that would have caught his attention. His was the only scent she could smell so she knew there was no one else and nothing else there, but his reaction made her question it. In the moments between her own words and his she glanced over him, taking in the mix of grays on his form. His coat was monotoned in much the same way hers was, just variations on the same hue.

His sharp comment brought her eyes back to his narrowed two-toned gaze. She smirked slightly with a flick of her tail. Feisty. "It's nothing to me, but it seemed to be a lot to you. I couldn't help being curious," she responded coolly. She chuckled softly and gave a slight shrug of her shoulders. "It's not every day I'm walking through the woods and hear someone telling someone to piss off after all." Livi let herself settle on her haunches then, her tail curling neatly around her while she continued to assess the male across from her. This was quite interesting for her first encounter here. She could only hope that the rest of the wolves that lived here were just as interesting. "What's your name?" she asked without really giving him an opportunity to respond. By now the wolf himself was much more interesting than whoever it was that was pissing him off.

"Talk" "You" Think