
There's a time to wait, and a time to take action



6 Years
Extra large
03-02-2016, 07:05 PM
He would wathc as his beloved members filed in in response t his call, and would watch their faces light up as they realized what this meant – that their beach was returned to them. He returned Gale's glance as she appeared, the swiftest and first to the meeting – no surprise there. The three children he was responsible for – through blood or adoption – filed in next and he shook his head in father pride as he watched them take in the beach for the first time.

He nodded his head to Solaris as he appeared near the back of the group. He watched Anais as she appeared and looked over at their little ones, before making her way to his side. He gave her an understanding grin and a quick nuzzle to her check before returning his attention to the wolves that where swiftly appearing. There would be no sign of Gaia, but nor would he expect it. Their lovely little cloud was more then a little busy at the moment...

he grinned at Locha, having no doubt that she already knew exactly what his call had been for. He returned Terrae's nod as the man made his own appearance. He gave a puzzled smile to Lior, who looked out of place at the fringes of the growing crowd. Was she ok? He had seen so little of her over the passing months...

Selini would arrive, and Glacier would be proud to be able to tell the boy that his position would be returned to him by the end of the day. He knew it had hurt him to lose it, and he had been on his best behavior to get it back. His brother would also descend the cliffs and appear at his side, the opposite side to where Anais had taken up her place. His brother would address their pack and family, and Glacier's eyes would stroll over the gathering, searching for any willing to answer. To his surprise, it would be their quiet Mortar who spoke first, and he grinned encouragingly at the pup, enjoying this moment of courage he had taken. “That's a very good idea Mortar, and it encourages team work. I like it. Does anyone else have anything they wanna add?” he would see if anyone else wanted to broaden on the pups idea.

"Burn Baby Burn"