
First Harvest



3 Years
03-03-2016, 01:12 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

He scooted back another careful step, expecting the earth-colored wolf to accept his answer at face value and begin collecting his prize. Besides, what real claim did he have to it anyway other than he had spotted it too? There was not even a guarantee he had seen it before this other wolf. He was ready, prepared, to accept it as a loss, so when it was suggested he be taught how to gather the plant and would take a portion of it home Miksa was surprised. A lesson in harvesting and being allowed to take a piece? That was much more than he had hoped to get.

"Yeah...yeah, sure, of course," he answered, almost stammered in his haste not to miss out on this opportunity. The thought of returning home with knowledge as well as half the harvest of yarrow thrilled him, an easier excitement compared to the nervousness that fighting typically stirred up in him. Of course, there was less at stake here with this trade, and his physical health on the line with the opposite.

Stepping in closer as the male healer - at least by now he assumed he was a healer - gestured, Miksa shifted his bright eyes from the wolf to the plant and back again, eager to learn something that he could later show off to his pack mates. He was not by nature inclined to acts of grandeur, but he did want to be viewed as helpful and open to learning, and what better way was there to prove it than by returning smarter?

He was so focused he jumped slightly when he heard the woof of his original instructor, and turning a surprised stare on Kavdaya, Miksa managed a small smile. How appropriate that she be here too. His yellow eyes scanned the plants she had set aside as she commented on their find, and as she introduced herself the healer-in-training realized he had yet to do the same. "Oh," he remarked as it dawned on him, "I'm...I'm Miksa. Of Celestial."