
Demons Never Die [Meeting]



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-12-2013, 04:52 AM

Time seemed to pass slowly as the pack began to panic around her. Again, and again, she brought her weight down on the ribs of the wolf she had come to love as a friend, and a part of her family. She paused intermittently to check his heartbeat, and it seemed to be steadying somewhat. Rayne?s voice buzzed through the haze of concentration, and she nodded, an ear flicking backward to acknowledge the younger healer. ?Rayne, put that herb to your left under his tongue, chew it slightly to let the juices out. Don?t swallow, you don?t need it?s effects. It?ll strengthen his heart, but yours is strong enough. Cormalin, keep your ear to his chest, listen to his heart, and tell me if it fades, or begins beating off cadence again.?

Vaguely, she was aware of the sudden halt in the fight. She set that aside until she heard Chrysanthe?s soft, worried tones voicing a question. She gave a slight shake of her head. ?It?ll be up to him, most of all. I can only give him herbs and plants that will strengthen him. He needs close care and attention until we know if he?ll pull through.? Her heart felt tired. She felt afraid. This was one battle with Death she did not, under any circumstances, want to lose. This wolf was like family to her. Syrinx?s voice rumbled through her thoughts, and she glanced at him. ?He breathes, and the worst seems to be through. But he needs to have a close eye kept on him.? Cormalin?s soft whuff of concern made her bend to listen. The breathing had slowed, and for a moment, she was afraid it would stop, but Cairo had only passed into that place just beyond dreams.

She rose and sat back. She hoped she was right, and that the herb would do it?s work. She wanted to buy Cairo just a little more time. Just a little more. She turned and looked at his three children, wondering where Eos was now. ?Now would be a good time to move him, but make sure the herb stays under his tongue for another hour. Keep a regular check on his breathing. With luck, he?ll pull through. Besides, he has a wedding to attend soon, and I don? think he?d let himself go and miss it.? She gave a tired smile to her daughters. ?The best thing is to never stop hoping. Don?t allow doubt to cloud your minds. Be with him as much as you can. Syrinx,? She turned to look up at the young male. ?Can you find Eos? You were always the closest to her.? Earnest deep blue eyes gazed up into the eyes that were his father?s mirror. It was good to see him alive and well. She looked around for Nova, but he?d gone. She didn?t blame him.

She wanted nothing more right then, than to curl into his side and breathe him in and watch their children play. Oh why couldn?t they have met sooner in life? Her eyes drifted to Cairo. Why couldn?t they become immortal, the ones she loved, and never be able to die?