
Go ahead, make my day [M]



Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamous
03-03-2016, 08:37 PM

Success. Oh, it was a glorious, glorious feeling. Nevermind the stinging across her chest that made it quite clear that what had been mild bruising was now moderate because of the chest slam; her opponent was crumbling beneath her. She could handle a little bruising.

Quite suddenly the slick mud wrested control from her opponent and sent them both crashing to the ground. The sudden fall jolted her jaws loose and forced Sabine to release her grip on Ehrgeiz's neck so she could salvage her balance. She quickly placed her forepaws on the ground and slunk down into a low crouch with her paws placed slightly wider than hip and shoulder width apart, her toes splayed and her nails sunk into the mud for added traction. Her tail, which had windmill'd behind her as she fell forward, rose to once again lay on the same plane as her spine. With the mud as slick as it was Sabine was careful to center her weight; a move that would hopefully aid her balance. She remained tensed, her back held straight and rigid, and her hackles still stood on end. Sabine lowered her head so that it was level with her spine, a move that brought the entirety of her spinal column into alignment. She also tucked her chin slightly and rolled her shoulders forward to bunch the skin around her throat. With her control over the brute lost she now found herself in a precarious position – one she had no intention of allowing him to exploit. Her ears remained slicked back and her eyes closed.

Her opponent lunged forward suddenly, his quick movements catching Sabine by surprise and earning him the grip he desired. A searing pain lanced through her like a white hot knife as Ehrgeiz's teeth sunk into the skin of her chest/front of her shoulder just above the crook of her left elbow. The moderate puncture wounds hurt like a bitch and suddenly Sabine didn't find the brute quite so amusing. Now she was angry. Before she'd been having fun, she'd enjoyed their banter and the sweet feeling of superiority as he aimed childish insults at her. Now she simply wanted him to suffer.

After shifting the bulk of her weight to her hind legs Sabine briefly lifted her forepaws off the ground as she sought to move them inwards (towards one another) and down on top of the forelegs of her opponent. Given their positioning she knew his legs had to be either bent in a very low crouch or laying on the ground if she'd managed to crumble him completely. Either way, there had to be a fair amount of surface area for her to strike at. She was hoping her left forepaw would land on top of the exact center of his right foreleg and her right forepaw on top of the exact center of his left foreleg. Sabine hoped to pin each foreleg to the ground so that her future bites - and oh, were they coming - would be inescapable. Piece by piece she was going to tear him apart.

With a guttural roar Sabine lunged downwards with open jaws as she sought to grab her opponent by the scruff. She sought to place her lower teeth on top of his spine and directly behind the base of his skull, and her upper teeth about six inches lower and also on top of his spine. The giantess intended to slam her jaws shut – hopefully achieving an iron grip – and thrash her head from side to side. She intended to put everything she had into the brutal battering of her opponent; to yank him off his paws and shake him like a ragdoll. She wanted him to feel completely helpless in her grasp, to realize the futility of his efforts and to fully understand just how fucked he truly was.


[Image: bK4cZNp.png]