
Set Apart this Dream



8 Years
06-12-2013, 06:04 AM

A pile of snow was steaming from a small hole. Inside was curled the brown and black furred form of a wolf, one paw draped lightly over his dark muzzle as he snoozed. Lithe, slender, with lean muscles, he was built for running. Built for stealth. A howl pierced the layer of snow and he gave a grunt.

Sarak lifted his head, blinking sleepy deep moss green eyes as the hat of snow he wore on his head disintegrated into pieces and tumbled off. Sitting up, he yawned, and looked around. The howl was made by a familiar voice. Chrys? Chris? Chrysanthe? That was it. She?d won her fight with her brother for the throne of the Pack, and it sounded like she was calling a meeting. He wondered when he was going to be thrown out of the pack. He wanted to ask Cairo, but the old wolf had fallen ill and collapsed at the last meeting, and he was afraid to ask.

Maybe his daughter would give him an answer. But would she let him stay, if she knew he had been yet another assassin trying to kill the wolf that had mothered her? His ears drooped, and he rose on long, lanky legs. He was two years old as of this winter, but he would always be just barely above small in size. However, he hadn?t matured ugly at all. Of course, that was a matter of opinion. He personally thought he wasn?t worthy of a lady?s advances, or to make advances himself.

He took off at a trot, still feeling anxious for his future. It didn?t take him and his long legs to reach the meeting, where he sank to his haunches, green eyes looking around. Erani was there, and her brother, and her great black mate. Her pups were absent. This must be a meeting for adults. The silver female he?d heard called Ashtoreth was there as well, looking much better than she had last meeting. Her leg was better. Chrysanthe, dark faced and beautiful, sat waiting for her pack at the head, and he wondered what she would do with him.

The horse was there, too. She was a puzzle to him. A prey animal that was right at home with wolves all around her, and was even lipping at the fur of Erani?s brothers neck. He looked around, wondering if Azalea was coming too. She had been the first wolf to approach him here, other than Erani.