



03-04-2016, 04:18 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Lolaf
Age: 21

Character's Name: Quentin Adravendi
Character Age: Pup
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 34 inches
Appearance Description: Quentin bears the markings of his royal birth. He is bearer of royal blood on both sides and it shows. Though perhaps less so in his frame than anywhere else. He is a slightly more rotund wolf than some, bearing some childlike chubbiness to his form. This he will keep forever though he will grow to be a bit more evenly proportioned as time goes on.  He will stand 34 inches falling just short of being considered large. Due to his slightly bigger width he will weigh 180 pounds.

It is no more obvious of his royal upbringing than in Quentin’s coat. He bears the genes of his mother and father plain upon his pelt. The base of his coloring will be a soft cream color, light enough that it’s almost white in shade. Breaking the pristine color is a russet color that speaks of his Adravendi heritage. It marks his face in the classic Xanilov mask. It rises up from his nose and upon reaching his eyes break into three branches. The first two move out and color the tops of his eyes on either side, stopping at the corners of each eye, while the third branch reaches his forehead and rounds itself out. This color also marks his body. It spread out from his shoulders and curves down to just above the elbow of his forelegs before pulling back and up, curving upwards along his sides before once more moving down his back legs to the end of his haunches and coloring the entirety to his tail.
The second color to mark him is an ashen grey which colors the undersides of each eye, completing the mask. It also marks three of his paws. On his right forepaw it spreads up from his toes to his ankle, while on his hind paws it marks his toes.
His eyes are a deep blue, dark as a deep pool of water.

Skills: Fighting and Intellect

Proof of Purchases: Proof of adoption