
It dosen't have to be a snowman



6 Years
03-04-2016, 04:26 PM
Voltage had been out hunting a meal for his wife and children. Now that they were big enough to leave the den, they required a lot more food than he was used too hunting. Not that that was a problem. Prey seemed plentiful in the Praries now that his family had moved full term back to the beach. It wasn't hard to find enough food for Gaia and their three little children. He excepted Cirry to be out, exploring in the confindes of the beach, Ember to be at home with his mother and Wisper to be laying in his little spot staring at the clouds. It was nice, almost refreshing, that his children didn't seem to be big trouble makers like his first litter, or Glacier's daughters. If they all were, he might have gone insane...or had more fun. Whichever.

What he wasn't expecting, however, was for Seraphiel and, soon after, Wisper to come looking for him. He'd blink slowly as he reguarded his trouble making niece and his quiet son before he moved passed them to place the meal he had caught beside the den. An adventure, huh? He would eye his niece then, slowly. He almost didn't trust her, but he knew she didn't like to spoil what fun she could get. "Promise to be careful? Don't leave the beach or the Praries. And if you must go to the grasslands, stay away from the borders." He said in a deep voice, his "father" voice, as he stared at her. Wisper could go to the grasslands if Ray was there with him. "Be back before sundown. If you are a second late, Seraphiel, or if you take him out of the packlands, you will be in big trouble."

"Burn Baby Burn"