
Tragedy of Perfection



8 Years
03-04-2016, 08:00 PM (This post was last modified: 03-07-2016, 08:00 PM by Acapella.)
Smooth movements carried the large female forward, senses alert as she took in the new territories. She had felt like she had been moving for days and in fact she hadn't taken a break the past couple of days. She was hot on the trail and had all the intentions of hunting down it's owner. This particular scent trail she knew too well, it was her younger brother Dagger. It wasn't her original idea to fallow her brother, but how could she resist? She was missing her family since she had parted from them and who knew where her brother would lead her. Eventually though she would have to find her second cousin Surreal, she had heard so much about Surreal that she had to meet her.

The further she went the more she was realizing that she was growing weary. She should have been taking those breaks, now tonight she would be forced to take a break so that she didn't completely wear herself out. She hated to break from the trail, but she would pick it back up. The trail was getting stronger, did this mean he was slowing down? Huffing she picked up her pace. Ears pricked and she paused as her brothers howl rippled through the air. It wasn't that far away and he was calling to the alpha of the territory. There was a pack here? She must not be close to the boarders yet. Wagging her tail she picked up her pace curious to see what his brother was getting himself into.

It wasn't long before her vary large young brother came into view, but in front of him was another large wolf though she was vary surprised at the bright red fur this other male had. Approaching the female gently bumped her younger brother before taking a seat at his side. She had caught the last bit of their conversation, the other male's name. Dipping her head she smiled lightly and gave a gentle wag of her tail.

"I'm Acapella Dáirine, What may I ask are you getting into Dagger," she said looking to her larger brother. She tried to lightly bump her younger brother with a slight smile her tail wagging, she was glad to see him.