
Ohana, Augustus, Ohana


06-12-2013, 07:18 AM
Black ears perked up as the dame repeated his mothers name. He focused his white gaze again on her as she seemed to freeze as she stood there. How odd this was, what an odd encounter. A small whine escaped the male's maw as he waited for her to move again. She seemed to contemplate her words, think about some deep subject. Next that the dame did open her mouth the yearling was shocked.

She said she was the sister of his father! And that he himself was her nephew! The wolf slowly rose his head as he pointed his ears forward out of curiosity. While slowly untangling himself and getting up on all fours; Augustus slowly and cautiously made his way to the femme. She then said she would love him and care for him! She then said that's because family should stick together...but then why was his father never in his life? And why did his mother leave him? And what ever happened to the perfect family his mother always talked about. But the boy reached the dame as she said she was his Auntie Loccian. With a swift bound the boy leaped forward closing the distance between himself and his Auntie as he pushed his face into the fur of her neck.

Silent tears streamed down his face and into her fur. There were so many questions that the boy had. Through her fur the male tried to speak and ask questions.

"D-Do you know where my father is? If you're his sister and my Auntie you should know right? And do you know where my mother is? Or if I have any other family that will love me?" he asked with one wave of his tail.

Augustus then pulled back and sat on his haunches. The young male looked at his Auntie with his white gaze, studying her. Did she look like his father? He guessed she looked sort of like how his mother had explained or described his father. Augustus had to know the truth though, he had to know where his father was. Did he even know he had a son?did he even know of Augustus? Would his father welcome him...or would he reject him. But first was first...where was he?

"Please tell me...I need to know where my father is!" he persisted

Did this mean he would live here loved and cared for by his Auntie? Or would his mother find him or would he find her. Was the boy even still mad at his mother for leaving him? Augustus loved his mother dearly. She loved him and cared for him so much before she had left. But what happened? There were so many questions he had!