
One Last Visit


06-12-2013, 07:47 AM

A soft laugh drifted from her jaws. They were always up to something, but she took her sons word for it. Her gaze turned proud as Rune said he had followed her trail, they had been taught to hunt, but not to follow a specific wolf's trail. "Very good." She praised him for his efforts. She listened to him answer her questions, no doubt they were all used to her listing off questions in bunches. They had missed her as well. She would be in the territory more after they returned from the delta, she didn't have any plans to venture out anymore, or at least not very far. It was far to tiresome.

She caught his sidelong glance as he asked of his father. Out of the three it seemed as though Maia was the closest to him, next to Vixe. She shook her head, "No." Her answer was short, she wouldn't expand on it, she was aware of what he was going, why though? She wasn't sure. All she knew was she wanted to speak to him at some point. She wouldn't worry her kids with it though, he had been at the Tournament meeting so he must be sticking around more. "He should be around somewhere though." Lyrics where spoken idly.

She had no more questions for him, having never been a talkative wolf, but it wouldn't surprise her if he had questions for her, that she answer as much as she could. She hadn't seen them in forever, certainly he would want to know where she had been, even though it appeared as though he held no hard feelings toward her for not being around. She knew they would be okay without her, they had grown to be quite independent.

ooc- such a crappy post -_-

"Talk here."