
Over And Done With



7 Years
03-05-2016, 05:22 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Her ram met with success, and moderate bruising brought by the force of the collision spread over her frontal chest. Her momentum succeeded in knocking Miksa back a step , and his distraction by her jaws, while successfully catching her lower jaw between his teeth, his molars leaving mild scratches over her gums, tongue and underside of her jaw, proved a boon to her attempt to hug him. Her defenses, such as they were remained as she kept her hind legs squared under her hips, her tail flicking parallel with the ground for an added rudder of balance, while her hind toes spread wide apart for added balance, claws digging into the earth for traction as her abdomen tensed. Her hackles remained raised from the base of her skull to the base of her tail down her spine, while her eyes remained narrowed, face wrinkled into a silent snarl, and her ears remained flat to her head.

As Miksa dropped his left side, and pushed with the his right shoulder, the Archangel sought to adjust, and use the shift in weight against her opponent, driving her hind legs into the ground as she sought to ram the whole front of her chest into the full front of Miksa's chest and lower neck, both to maintain her balance and hopefully shake his just a bit, and to put into motion the plan she'd formulated as she'd sought to grab him in her front legs. Attempting to tighten her front legs' hold on his shoulders, she sought to twist her upper half to her right, Miksa's left, seeking to use her hold on his shoulders to bring him to the ground on his left side, while simultaneously seeking to tighten her jaws on Miksa's upper jaw and striving to thrash her head side to side as an attempt at dealing some painful damage that would distract her opponent.

Thus far, for one with little training, Miksa's instincts proved sound. There would be mistakes; on the fly, there always would be. It was all part of the learning process. But he'd gone for a tooth to tooth defense, which was a good move, if done right.

-:: Surreal vs Miksa for Legionary Rank Spar::-
Round 2/3




Extra Notes: Sorry this took so long, Mouser, but Here we go! Major crap post, but it's waited far too long.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.