
New Glaciem



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
03-05-2016, 06:08 PM

So it's been a thought for quite a while now, and at last it's finally been decided. With Sin dead, I figured now I could start planning to have Avalon make a pack soon. Since the disappearance of her family, Avalon seeks to bring back the pack of glaciem and rebuild what was lost. Before the reign of Isardis, she now seeks to bring back the kind of pack that Gargoyle had worked so hard to build.

Glaciem would rise again, and although it would revolve around the Ancora line, family, friends, outcasts, and wolves from all walks of life would be welcome. It would be a somewhat peaceable pack, where those living within would have to get along. While you don't have to love or like your packmates, getting along and working together regardless is a must. Glaciem will be built on a foundation of trust, loyalty, and bravery. They won't simply keep to themselves, for living in the north means living in harsh conditions where the pack may need to fight for their survival. Raids may happen for supplies, but starting unneeded feuds and wars with other packs without good reason is something glaciem won't actively seek to do.

Ranks would be basic (since I suck at Rank themes), but there is potential to do great things, rise in the ranks, even become an alpha alongside Avalon. While being a fair leader, she seeks to strengthen those who feel they've lost purpose and she will hopefully give them a purpose worth living for.


At this point since I'm in the early stages of getting requirements met, I would like to see if there is any interest in the pack. If there are any characters who would be interested, post here and we can start threads.


New Glaciem is a pack that won't solely revolve around just the alpha, so I'd like to make a note that input from members will also be taken into consideration in making the pack as well. If you've any ideas, please Skype me and let me know :)

I'll update this with more information or a link to Google docs since it's hard to do on a phone, but if there are any questions then post here or feel free to Skype/pm me ^_^



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!