



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
03-06-2016, 02:38 AM

His response to what she'd told him was expected. But it didn't help to curb her anger about it. She had half a mind to seek him out herself and take away what he didn't deserve. A small smile peeked through that fit of anger, amber eyes finding Creed's. "Thank you, Creed. I don't wish this kind of betrayal on anyone, but if I ever do see him again I think I will be the one to deliver the message personally." She sighed, eyes seeking out the sky as she thought. It was a shame really..."It's funny. As much as Surreal talked about family and loyalty, I guess it doesn't matter when it comes to those who aren't actually related. Even though I was adopted into the family through Arian, surreal never tried to make me feel like I was family. Only Arian did. So I guess that's where he got it from. He didn't care like I thought he did. he said he did, anyway."

She turned to face him again, an apologetic look in her eyes. "Sorry, I shouldn't be talking like that. I know you're pretty close and loyal to her." And yet, it always seemed to Avalon that surreal really didn't care about anyone else. She didn't show up to try and stop Arian from killing herself. Or to see if Arian's children were alright, or anything of the sort. In Avalon's mind, surreal was a selfish being. And she couldn't help but feel that way. Avalon had a strong familial pull, she couldn't not be there for those she loved. She supposed she was rambling after that, so she would try to change subject by answering Creed's question about the kids.

"They're doing better than I thought they would without a father. Better than I did, anyway. Kharnage and Gryphon got sick from the same thing that killed my baby Gnar...but they're getting stronger each day. Lykos has promise to be a great warrior, and Dragon has already proven to be a troublemaker, but I expected at least one of them to act out after everything that's happened. Still, I feel they'll all grow to be great warriors." She smiled as she thought about them all. While the events in the past were painful, she had at least gotten one good thing out of it all. And it was her kids. She loved them to death, and somehow...they always managed to put a smile on her face. "I just never expected to raise a family on my own..." She murmured in almost a whisper. True enough, she never did think this would happen. But here she was.

"Talk" "You" Think


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