
Second Chances



5 Years
03-06-2016, 02:46 AM

Jakart's ears perked up and he visibly straightened at the sight of the serval, even more so when he saw who was at the top of the tree. Belladonna. Callisto called attention to the savannah cat and the grey wolf was at her heels as the healer went up to the base of the tree. His brow creased with worry and gave a futile glance up at the lowest limb of the tree. Far to high up for a jump to get any sort of real purchase on the sturdiest looking limb. Not the he could anything quick enough, the serval already reaching Bella. There was confusion in his gaze as he stared up at the felines, no real conflict happening as he would've assumed while both of the wolves remained helplessly on the ground. "Bella..." Jakart warned, eyes shifting to try and fully see the serval. The cat was massive compared to Callisto's companion, tan and spotted head peeking over the branch to stare at the two wolves.

He leaned over to Callisto, his side brushing the healers as he stood closer and prepared to ward off a jumping cat. Narcissus cleared his throat and spoke with nonexistent authority at the two wolves beneath him. "I have this female here! If you don't want anything to happen to her you'll..." Jakart ears perked as Bella moved away from the serval, certain she would be caught by the desert feline. But no. As the male cat continued his rant about a stolen deer and an exorbitant list of ransom conditions, Jakart looking back the dead ungulate and rolled his mismatched eyes.

A quiet meow brought his attention forward again as Belladonna appeared before Jakart and Callisto, the serval stopping his speech and appearing confused as to how the cat had gotten away with multiple glances given along to top of the tree branch and the trio below him. A gentle nudge was given against his lover's shoulder as Jak licked Callisto's cheek. "Everyone's safe now," The serval jumped down, falling. All eyes watching the spotted limbs flailing in the air for a moment as the desert cat somehow landed on his feet. "Help yourself to the deer." Jakart offered without much care. The cat wouldn't eat much compared to him and his once mate. Mismatched eyes searched Callisto's expression now that the current distraction was over with. "When do you want to leave?" He asked. Curious and hoping that her answer would only be a few days from now. They had a long trip ahead of them.

"Talk" "You" Think "Companion"