
A place inside my mind



1 Year
03-06-2016, 01:43 PM

It was funny to watch the range of emotions on the adult's face, and it was pretty clear that Itri was enjoying himself. He was quite the cheeky devil, the tip of his tongue poking out at her words. He knew he was being a brat, but did that stop him? Nope. In his short life he had only known grown ups to leave, so it made his respect for them go out of the window. In truth, maybe he was just trying to protect himself from getting hurt again. If he pushed everyone away, he didn't have to worry about them stabbing him in the back. So he kept everyone at a distance, refusing to speak and engage with them. But being in this pack... for some reason it made him feel a touch safer. Not that he would ever mention that, though. But then when the woman spoke again, he leaped to his paws and let out a little puppy growl at her. And he was the rude one! No way, that wasn't fair at all! "I can talk fine!" he snapped, his voice hoarse from under use. Then, as if realizing what he had done, he took a few steps back and glared at the black woman. She had tricked him, hadn't she? She knew all along that he could talk, didn't she? And then she went and used her stupid adult voodoo to make him talk. Letting out a sharp snort he turned around, giving her the cold shoulder. His black tail fluffed up as his nose pointed towards the sky, silver eyes closing. Stupid grown ups with their magic word play.

His tail thumped on the earth in a steady pattern, one eye peeking open as he glanced over his shoulder at the female. Quickly snapping it back closed, he looked back up to the sky. He was mad at her, she had made him talk. He didn't wanna talk, cause what if she wanted to get to know him or something? That was no okay with him. Nope. He was a stone wall! A big rock! A... a... a tree! Yeah! A tree. They were big and strong, and no one could move them. He preferred that other wolves thought that he was mute, cause then he could just sit in his loner corner and no one could touch him. Taking another little peek to see if the black woman was still there, his silver eyes flashed with his inner turmoil. He tried to make his face all stony so that she didn't see what he was feeling, but he was less in control of his eyes. Stupid things.
