
These Lands Are Your Lands



7 Years
03-06-2016, 02:17 PM

Amalia Jayne Adravendi-Mathias

A single brow rose at Mithras sputtered, was just teaching her art not a reward enough? It would seem that way to him, and then she remembered that he was an alpha. Her brother was the same way, always thinking that he would be indebted to someone for doing them a favor. Slowly she shook her head back and forth, letting out a tiny laugh. "You big strong alpha men are all the same," she said with a twinkle in her eye. "Fine, if it makes you feel better... maybe you can allow me to take some herbs home. There are a lot that grow here that I can't get in my own lands," There, now he wouldn't feel like he had to owe her anything. She really just did want to help, but she supposed that he had to be careful about who he made deals with. After all, not everyone was as pleasant as she was. He still seemed a bit nervous about what she proposed about a deal with Fiori, and her ears flickered slightly. "I'm sure he won't ask much in return, otherwise I will kick his butt. But..." she paused again, her thoughts going to her wife. "I'm sure our fighters could use a little help with training. My wife has tried to rally the troops, but it seems that we have more healers and hunters than fighters. Quite the opposite of the problem you have," Amalia mused, tiny rabbit tail wagging slightly behind her. That was a good trade, was it not? Plus, she could see the two males getting along. Mithras really was a lovely man, she was sure that her brother would see that.

When she offered a healing lesson right away, she giggled as he tossed her a big smile. Her own jaws cracked open as she flashed her own grin, excitement pounding through her tiny body as a call sounded for the pack that he led. Oh boy, she was actually a bit nervous! Quivering slightly, she let out another laugh when the giant starry wolf told her that she should run now. "If I ran, you would be able to catch up in one leap!" she teased, eyes glimmering with amusement. "I could just climb up on your back and ride you like a horse. Really, I have never felt quite so small before."