
I wanna get better



7 Years
03-06-2016, 03:00 PM

His comment about his bruised shoulder had her turning back to the dandelion root, tossing it over her shoulder towards the rest of her herbs. She was about to go and grab a few lambs ear as well, when his voice rang out. The way he said her name made her freeze, her entire body growing ridged. Looking slowly over her shoulder, her eyes grew misty all over again. She could see the worry in his gaze, and she sighed softly, head hanging. But it was clear that he wanted to say something, so she turned so that she could look at him, her flank at his head. She stood in a 't' shape with him, not ready to fully return to his side yet. When he began to spoke, her false calm started to crack. Lower lip quivered, soon her entire body shaking with the force of her holding back her tears. The more he spoke, the more she broke. At last she fell back down to the ground, covering her eyes with her front legs as her sobs broke free. Everything that Leo had said was true, it was so true. So why was she crying like this? Why did she still feel so torn up inside? Her and Leo had not been reunited for long, and there were so many more of their kin that they never saw. And their mother, she seemed like she had everything together, and she did stay here. Pip didn't go out looking for them at every chance she got, at least not that she knew about. But Amalia still felt like she could have done something to stop this from happening. Once she had calmed down she picked herself up, sniffling as her form shook. She couldn't keep blaming herself like this, she knew that. But it was a lot easier said than done. Amalia needed to be strong for her mate and her daughters, for her brother and her pack.

Leo had paused from talking, and Ama busied herself with gathering all her healing supplies, slowly making her way back to his form. As he started to talk, she began to treat his wounds. The dandelion root was nosed to his front paws for him to eat, as well as the bonset. She started to press the soft lambs ear to his small cuts and scratches, grabbing the horsetail as she moved to the nasty wound on his shoulder. Licking the wound clean, she grabbed the stalk within her jaws and began to chew, the familiar bitter taste filling her mouth. Coating her tongue with the herb, she carefully licked it on to his wound. Leo was going on about how he actually respected Bacchus for what he did, which shocked the tiny woman. She listened as she moved across his body, massaging her paws over his muscles as she tried to feel for any knots or strains. She rubbed out as many as she could, trying to be as gentle as possible. "If he wanted us, he could have just come and told us. We would have welcomed him home without hesitation," she whispered, pausing in her work to look up at her brother. She smiled at him though, appreciating his words with all her heart. "And thank you Leo... you told me just what I needed to hear." Amalia added, going back and making her way up his other side.

"Burn Baby Burn"