
Soft like a bunny

Mercy I


5 Years

03-06-2016, 04:09 PM

She found her respect for the woman growing by the minute, her words were wise and answered all the questions that Mercy had. They were around the same age, but she felt like Birna was a lot smarter than her, and worlds more mature. There were a lot on lingering feelings that Mercy had not dealt with yet, things that probably held her back. It didn't help that she still acted like a child at times. She found herself nodding along to her words, really taking in what she was saying. "I never thought of it that way. I guess when we get older we start to care for others more than we do ourselves," Not that she was that selfish, but... okay yeah maybe she was. But if anyone came at Rhys or Lykos, she wouldn't hesitate to put herself in harms way for them. She would jump right into action and tear them limb from limb, maybe shove their own leg down their throat. Smirking in amusement at the thought, she focused again on the slightly darker hued woman. "You seem to have an answer for everything, Birna," she teased, tossing the other woman a wink, "and I want to thank you for that. I don't usually find it this easy to talk to someone else, but you just make me feel... comfortable." Mercy said, shrugging at her sappy words.

When they switched to the topic of motivation and drive, she listened intently as she spoke. "I fight to get stronger, to be able to best any wolf who tries to harm a pack member. I guess I fight to prove myself, having felt like I was shoved in the shadows all my life..." she said slowly, everything dawning on her as she spoke the words out loud. She hadn't really thought too much on it, but now that she did it all made so much sense. And it was for a selfish reason. She wanted to matter, to feel special. How stupid was that? Her upper lip twitched, but she didn't say anything else on it. But then Birna looked to the sky, and spoke about some of the same reasons she felt. Oh, so it wasn't foolish to try and better herself? Birna was a tough fighter, she knew this first hand, so it was amazing to her that she admitted that. It also interested her that she had been struggling her whole life, something that Mercy felt like she was dealing with as well. She spoke about getting to a higher rank, and Mercy slowly rose herself to her paws. "Not unless I beat you," she teased, stomping some of the mud off her form. "But for real, you are a tough opponent Birna. If you beat me to a higher rank, I would be honored to serve under you. I don't normally like other woman, and most seem to have an issue with me. But you're different, stronger. To be honest, I am a bit jealous of you," Mercy admitted, studying Birna's body language to take in her reaction.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.