
There's a time to wait, and a time to take action



5 Years
03-06-2016, 04:37 PM

Gale Elementas

Walk | Talk | Think

Gale felt antsy as her grey-green eyes continued to pan across the littered shoreline, her giddiness evident within the brightness of her smile. The flooding had sure made a mess of the dark, obsidian sands, carrying in weeds, rocks, and who knew what else. It was going to take an army to get it all cleaned up, so it was lucky to her that their family was so big. We'll do it, she thought with every ounce of confidence, we'll have this cleaned up in no time and we can finally move back in to our big den. Just the thought alone was enough to bolster her mood and strengthen her resolve, and as she at last tore her gaze away from the beach to look at Glacier - and all the other family that had started to pack in during her inattention - she was more than ready to begin.

Voltage joined them quickly - of course he was nearby - and he shared the spotlight with Glacier in getting their meeting underway. The little grey wolf's tail waved excitedly as Flash mentioned cleaning their beach, and with suggestions asked for the family began to chime in. One of the youngsters - Gale had to do a double take when she realized it was neither Aurora or Seraphiel but another child completely - was the first to speak. Where had he come from? And what had she been doing all this time to miss seeing him? At any rate, he offered good suggestions and was complimented for them by Glacier. Smiling at her brother, she mentally noted the boy's name and continued to shift her attention around as Solaris, Terrae, and Locha each chimed in with their thoughts.

Trash, trash piles, burying points: they covered it all, and Gale felt completely satisfied with the suggestions and decisions that were being made. Except for one important point, at least to her. "Maybe we should start with the caves?" she asked hopefully, her grin just slightly pleading. "It'd be really nice to move back in soon." She missed their big, giant communal den terribly, and was very eager to go back to her previous sleeping arrangements.