
There's a time to wait, and a time to take action


03-06-2016, 04:57 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Aurora hardly noticed the gathering crowd around her sister and father. After having been dragged out on an adventure by Ray, her mind was still fixated on doing something with her, racing around or going someplace new - or meeting a new pup. Her golden eyes flickered in Mortar's direction with a bit of skepticism hidden behind her smile. She knew even without asking that this was the one Ray spent the majority of her time with, and while there was a strand of jealousy there it was entwined with curiosity. Who was he? Why was he so much fun? What made him special enough for Seraphiel to spend so much time with him? Somehow Rory intended to find out the answers to everything.

More and more figures shifted into view, and when she at last started to pay attention to those around her the child realized they had multiplied. Now it was no longer her, Sera, Daddy, and Mortar, but her aunts and uncles too - even Mommy who sat smiling beside Daddy. Rory grinned at her parents, delighted to see them both together someplace outside of the den, but with so many of her family members grouping together in this spot her attention began to shift away from games and adventure and fun. Something big was happening here, something important. What was it?

She watched them all, trying to pick up on their cues, but all she could gather was an overall sense of excitement. Uncle Voltage joined them and positioned himself beside Daddy too, looking at each of them and beginning to move his mouth funny. Sounds, mumbled phrases just soft enough not to be deciphered were heard by the very blue pup, but she could make no sense of them. For the first time, she felt as if she was missing out, as if those noises were somehow important to what they were doing, and the smile on her face slipped away to be replaced by a more serious expression as she looked around from face to face, following their facial movements as well as the unique sounds they made. None of it made a lick of sense, but Aurora was beginning to realize she wanted it to.