
There's a time to wait, and a time to take action



5 Years
03-06-2016, 06:44 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Even as the other members of her now extended family arrived, Anais's gaze continued to be drawn to her pups. They were getting so big now, so grown up with all of their adventures and trouble making, that could hardly believe they were nearing on half a year old. They would need some new outlet for all of their energy soon, more constructive avenues that they could apply themselves toward. She could not stop herself from wondering what they would excel best in. Would either of them be hunters like her? Fighters? Healers? And speaking of...

Her golden eyes lifted and fixed themselves on the grey and tan form of her sister as she joined the meeting. Excited to see her, the golden brown wolf's smile brightened and her tail wagged in silent greeting, expecting Lior to be as excited as the rest to return to her seaside cavern. But there was no smile upon her face, no look of eager anticipation. Was she not excited after all? Her smile dimmed as concern blossomed within her chest, as well as the stinging sensation of guilt. It had been months since she had sought out a quiet afternoon to spend with Lior, and so much had happened since then. She had been so caught up in her own life that Anais had failed to make good on her promise to spend more time with her lonely sister, and now, because of it, she did not know what bothered her so much now.

She turned her head to glance at Glacier, nudging his shoulder softly with her muzzle. She offered him a soft smile, a little nuzzle to his shoulder, and rose to her paws. Needing in that moment to be with her sister, Anais traipsed past her children, past the other Elementas wolves and over to Lior's side. She greeted the petite wolf with her customary bubbly smile, nudging her sister's shoulder softly as she sat down beside her. Though she sat facing the rest of the group as Voltage strolled in to begin their meeting and speak of cleaning the shoreline, Anais kept her attention on Lior. Quietly, so as not to draw attention from the rest of the pack, she asked her, "Is everything okay?" She possibly could have waited until later to ask, but she hated the idea of neglecting her sister's unhappiness more than she already had.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.