
Easy does it, little one


03-06-2016, 07:35 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Mornings were still very much not her thing, but with Ray for a sister it was impossible to enjoy any sort of sleeping in. She woke the whole family up bright and early, way before any time that they should have been awake, and tried to get them all up and running about on adventures. Not yet, not yet, Rory thought grumpily to herself, but it was no use. Even if she did try to roll back over and go back to sleep, she knew she would just be left lying there for a while, awake and thinking how annoying it was not to fall back to sleep right away. It was just better to accept she was awake now.

She huffed, ignoring the conversation that took place between her sister and her parents until her father nudged her to follow. She glanced at Ray and back at Daddy again, confused. Was she not going with Ray? But she always went with Ray. Puzzled, maybe a little nervous, Aurora offered a parting glance to her sister before following Glacier out of the cavernous den and out into the early morning of the Obsidian Beach.

It took a little while for the drowsiness to finally wear off, but eventually it did. She felt more awake as she trotted after Glacier, and intrigued by what they could possibly be doing out and about this early together, especially without Seraphiel, Aurora stuck close to his heels. She was led across the dark sands toward a rocky section of the beach where the waters were calm and manageable, the exact opposite of how they were on the rest of the beach. Her golden eyes watched the water and occasionally glanced up at her father as he led her over to a spot amid the rocks and took a seat. Padding over to his side, Rory sat down next to him and tilted her head back to peer up at his face with a curious expression. What were they going to do?