
Breathing In Snowflakes

Athena I


9 Years
03-06-2016, 10:53 PM

She was so glad that she had Amalia's glass half full outlook on things. If it wasn't for her she wasn't sure she would be able to dig herself out of the holes that her thoughts pulled her into. It's true. Being a mother was the hardest thing she had ever done. Not picking up the pieces of her father's pack while he was sick, not being an alpha, not losing Vereux. This. Seeing her sons grow up and leave on their own paths and seeing their daughters grow far too quickly. But she wouldn't take it back, not for the world. All she could hope now was that they had done everything in their power to pave the ways for their boys and would continue to do that for their girls.

She hadn't thought about her bracelets like that. She had only connected it with the time and reasons that she had gotten them in. Not the journey that she had worn them in. But hearing Amalia's view on it touched her. She glanced back down at them thoughtfully until Ama spoke again, pulling her gaze back up to her wife's face. Give them to their daughters? She glanced with surprise from the bracelets to the sleeping forms of their daughters. Pass them down... That was something she had never considered. She smiled and looked back at Amalia, dipping her muzzle to try to nuzzle her mate's cheek. "That's a beautiful idea, sweetheart. I think you're right, I think they'd love that." She paused and considered it breifly, adding, "They're a little bit too small still I think... Maybe for their first birthday. That would be a good gift." She smiled again with a quiet chuckle. The thought of giving these things that she had worn for so long a new life with her girls brightened her attitude so much. "What would I do without you?" she asked quietly as she went to kiss the tip of Amalia's nose.

Things were still hard, they would be for a long time still she was sure, but having these moments helped make things a little brighter. She looked back to her bracelets and reached her paws forward to pull them back toward her, pulling them back onto her forelegs one after the other. Once they were back in their proper places on her legs she shifted closer to Ama and shifted onto her side, wanting to slip her forelegs around Ama and pull her close. She nuzzled her face into Ama's scruff. Athena felt better now, but she knew their problems weren't over. She knew that Ama would still hurt long after she had a smile on her face. "It's going to be okay," she said softly against Ama's neck, mostly to Amalia but partially to herself. "Everything is going to be okay."

"talk" 'think' "you"