
Not Strong Enough



3 Years
Extra large
03-07-2016, 04:30 AM

She had returned from Borealis an absolute mess. Her world was crumbling around her, and she still couldn't quite believe it. How could her former home, bustling with life and happiness when she had left it, turn into a ghost town? It had changed so much in the past season, and it was all because of her. She shouldn't have left in the first place. Her family were suffering, abandoning one another, all because of her. Because she hadn't stayed, her mother's mental sickness had gotten worse and had ran off without a trace. Her sister had vanished too. Her brother, ruling such a small pack that was now falling apart, was contemplating disbanding Borealis in its frail state to join Donostrea, where some of their distant family resided. And it was all because of her.

Normally she found it difficult to feel remorse, especially when she blatantly crossed the line. This was an entirely different situation. A huge weight of dark, angered and suffering thoughts and emotions pulled her down. She had screwed up her family's lives so badly it made her want to curl up in a hole and simply bid the cruel world farewell. That was exactly where she found herself. She had run all the way back from the gulley, sobbing to herself and ignoring the pain in her paws and chest. Her body wanted to stop but she kept on going, tormenting herself, until she finally faltered and stumbled in a foreign woodland. It wasn't quite the mangrove, but she didn't care. Blood seeped from many scratches and grazes upon her legs, her body bruised from the earlier flee. Her mind was even worse.

So she laid there, on the brink of losing consciousness, curled up in a green ball, softly sobbing to herself. Sometimes her temper would rise and she'd curse and cry out until her lungs grew hoarse, then she'd return to her quiet weeps. It all fell into a rhythm, her shouts and cries, the quiet and the loud. It almost comforted her. Maybe she felt better, constantly blaming herself for ruining her family's lives.
