
Feeling So Free

Finch I


4 Years

03-07-2016, 03:34 PM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2016, 12:29 PM by Evelyn.)
*Home turf, Serpent plains

At last, Finch was fully healed. There were still a few mental scars, as well as a small mark on her shoulder, but that was it. She felt like a brand new wolf, she was full of so much energy from being pent up for so long. Peeking out of her den, she squinted at the bright light, blinking to adjust herself before she pranced out. Letting out a happy bark, she stretched herself out. Arching her back like a cat, she slid her front legs forward, tail curling over her back. A yawn split open her jaws as she shook out each limb, the leaf necklace at her throat jingling at the movement. All limbered up, she trotted a few times around her den before she took off at a full sprint around the plains. The hiss of snakes was at her paws, but she didn't have a care in the world. For the first time in awhile she felt free, even her stutter had worn off! She was like a brand new woman. She wanted to be stronger, better. Finch needed to work on not being so shy, but that would all come with time, right? After all, it had taken her getting hurt to finally make her realize that she was hiding behind her emotions. It was time to be like her siblings, to make her mark on the world.

Panting, Finch drew herself to a stop. Seeing a large, flattened bolder she jumped up on to it. Spreading her pale bodice on the warmed stone she let out a sigh, resting her head on her front limbs. Paws dangled over the rock, crossing at the ankle. Her pale blue eyes glanced around the plains, her tail giving a few beats on the rock. It felt so good to be out, she had grown tired of being stuck within her den. But now, finally, she was out.

Art by KatG6