
Prove Your Heart To Me



7 Years
03-07-2016, 05:35 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Very good, if risky. Her daughter met her head on in the air, and as their chests collided, Surreal felt moderate bruising well over her fore-chest. The move Faite made displaced Surreal's attempt at wrapping her front paws around the base of Faite's skull, and instead, Surreal obtained a hold around the base of Fate's neck, wrists locking firmly around over the point above her shoulders.

Surreal's attempt at latching onto Faite's left ear bore no fruit, teeth snapping shut on air with an audible click even as her roar caused her daughter to flinch. She was pleased to see Faite refuse to allow the roar to distract her, though still retaliated accordingly as Faite's jaws came for the left side of her face, countering the attack by whipping her head sharply to her left and parting her jaws to seek a hold on the left side of Faite's muzzle, upper canines seeking placement over the center of the muzzle while her lower canines sought a similarly centered placement one the left side of Faite's muzzle, an inch and a half behind the whisker pad.

Her weight remained centered, her tail flowing parallel with the ground as her hind paws remained squared under her hips. Her face was a mask of wrinkles, her now silent snarl boring narrowed eyes at her opponent as her ears remained flat to her skull. Her chin, tucked with the counterattack, remained so while her shoulders rolled forward and her hackles maintained their stiff guardianship from the base of her skull to the base of her tail and spanning the width of her back. Her abdomen was tensed, core taught as an added measure of balance in her two legged stance, as her forelegs sought to tighten their grip for an added measure of support, risky as it might be to support yourself on your opponent. Her hind toes spread far apart to further aide her balance as her claws sank into the ground for traction.

It was time to press her attacks, as with the counterattack with her jaws, she simultaneously sought to thrust the fore of her chest again into Faite's fore-chest, wishing to shake her daughter's balance backward and to worsen any bruising left by the initial impact, her hind legs driving into the attempted pressure as she sought to twist her upper half to her left, Faite's right, her right foreleg seeking to press against Faite's left shoulder as she sought to topple her smaller opponent to the ground on Faite's right side. Her tail windmilled to her left in a balancing maneuver.

It was impressive and pleasing to see the natural skill her daughter had, and she was dying to see what else Faite had in store, and how her daughter would grow and learn in the coming future.

-:: Surreal vs Faite for Legionary Rank Spar::-
Round 2/3




Extra Notes:

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.