
Tragedy of Perfection



7 Years
03-07-2016, 05:58 PM
Surreal Adravendi

She was on the southern edge of the Plains, checking the river border for any signs of flooding, and for sharp stones for Kavdaya, who'd found a fascination with skinning kills, when the rather exciteable howl reached her ears. She took her time in answering the call, however. Regulus was on the northwestern edge of the Plains, and no doubt would be there before her. She trusted her eldest to know precisely how to conduct himself.

Nonetheless, she picked up her pace when the wind shifted, bringing two scents to her nose along with her son's. They carried a familial familiarity that intrigued her. Regulus might not have picked up on the similarities, but she could. They were family. She arrived at a trot, tail raising to the position that announced her supreme dominance, waving well over her hips in a fluffy plume that was no less friendly than her son's greeting.

Her mismatched eyes took in the two before them as she slowed to a halt beside her son. Family, definitely. Not only by their scents, but by the similarities she could spot in their bodies, and details in their faces. The shape of the eyes on the boy, was that Caerul's stamp? It seemed like it. The heterochromia evident in both something that ran from Cormalin, though Lyric - where was her little sister now? - had something similar to the boy's, but with red and gold instead of the colors he sported.

She smiled gently at them both as she spoke easily. "Dia Duit. I'm Surreal Adravendi, Archangel of Celestial. Welcome to our border." The Old Tongue greeting of hello came easily from her tongue; often it felt simpler to speak in that language instead of the common tongue.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.