
Dandelions lost in the summer sky



5 Years
03-08-2016, 02:13 AM

He felt a few chuckles rise in his chest, though he suppressed them to ensure he didn't wobble about too much and flung his niece off his back. That wouldn't end too good. Though he was a healer, his brother was bound to demand an explanation. She was his responsibility now, and he had to look after her like she was his daughter. That didn't meant they couldn't have fun. Why, the more fun, the better! He didn't want to be that one, boring uncle with his nose in his plants that nobody wanted to hang with. He was going to be a cool uncle.

The secret hideaway it was! He already knew she was going to choose it. Pups were always fascinated in secrets. "Okaaaaaay!" he hollered with a broad grin, picking up his pace to a swift dash whilst remaining smooth along his back. The cliffs grew closer and closer, looming above them like great mountains. Running alongside the cliff-face, his eyes searched for the narrow opening that led to the cove. It was somewhere around here...ahah! He ducked through the arch-like entrance, tucked snugly into the rock. He pushed through the dangling lichen that draped itself over the entrance and emerged into the reasonably large cove. Sunlight filtered through the ceiling and exotic plants blossomed from the stone walls while tiny creatures chirped in the background. Sometimes the tide would reach the cove and swirl around his ankles before retreating to the beach once more. A truly magical place it was. "This place is a secret place," he told her in a hushed whisper, a smile dancing on his lips.

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*