
Not Strong Enough



3 Years
Extra large
03-08-2016, 04:03 AM

When she was about to close her eyes and allow the mental and physical pain to wash over her like a wave, the sound of paw-steps grew louder. They sounded familiar; the way they were placed on the ground and how long they were there before they were lifted up once more. Normally she would have never wanted him to see her in such a vulnerable, weak state. Never had she imagined herself crying, especially in front of her friend. Now she didn't care. All she wanted was his comfort.

When he pressed his muzzle into her paws and cheek, speaking soft, worried words, she didn't resist. She felt so lifeless; the energy had been drained from every muscle in her body. She wanted his large form around her, to hold her and tell her everything was alright. Maybe she didn't deserve to be with him, to hear his words and to feel his touch. Who would want to comfort a failure like her? Who would want to help someone that had brought misery to her family's lives? She didn't deserve a friend like him at all. What if the same happened to him? What if he abandoned her, just like her mother and sister?

"They're all gone," she wept in a bare whisper, leaning her head into his shoulder if allowed. Her body trembled as she fought back the tears pooling in her squeezed-shut eyes. She didn't dare look up at him. What would he think of her when he saw her fully? So imperfect, so flawed? What would he think when he saw the young woman once strong and confident so broken and fragile? Would he judge her?
