
Alike and Different



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
03-08-2016, 03:00 PM (This post was last modified: 03-08-2016, 03:02 PM by Tórnach.)

He'd wandered not far from his moor this time, into the swampland that bordered it. Aiden was flying now, short flights to stretch the still-healing muscles since she was still without many of her flight feathers so couldn't do much more than that. They could probably have left Druid's Moor, but he'd grown really fond of the solemn, misty land. It suited him, even if others might have taken it as dreary rather than pleasant. There were plants that weren't really found in the moor though, and thanks to his recent encounters with foreign healers he'd begun to learn some - he'd spent a lot of time in the estuary where he'd met Aiden and learned from Lyndvarr, collecting the plants he'd learned then, but with the noise of the birds there he'd decided to see what the swamp had to offer instead.

On his shoulders, Aiden made a faint noise of warning, and he froze. Moments later, a shape swirled in the fog, and he peered at it. A wolf, not a cougar. That didn't make them that much less dangerous, though - harsh experience had taught him that wolves could hide a deceitful and cruel soul within their familiar forms. But then the scent, masked by the fog and the scents of the bog around them, finally tickled his senses, and his blue eyes widened. "Zuriel." There was no sense in turning and walking away, pretending he didn't see her - if he could smell her doubtless they were quite close enough for her to have already noticed him. He couldn't avoid all his family forever, and Baine had already found him. But neither could he help the mixed feelings that churned in his chest when he was around them. He sighed, and steeled himself. "What are you looking for?" She was a healer, though they'd never talked much about it he had no doubt that she was looking for herbs of some kind. Why else would someone walk into a swamp?


This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

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