
Wait, what did you say? More puppies!?


06-12-2013, 02:48 PM
Name: Alia

Alia is easy to anger and quick to strike, but she thinks before she acts. Everything is FAST FAST FAST or in the trash for her. You might see her and think 'oh, what a sweet little girl' as she smiles and laughs. Baaaad choice. If she looks dreamy or distracted, its because someone is bothering her. And the dreamy look is wondering how she should get rid of the guy. The thing that makes her such a great fighter is the fact that everyone underestimates her. As she gets older she gets more rebellious, adventurous, and reckless.

As she gets older she gets more rebellious, adventurous, and reckless. She gets into a gang, starts spending time with guys much older than her-in more intimate ways, you know-gets into fights, and occasionally gets high. Nothing her family does will sway her from this way of life and she often speaks out against her parents. Quite obviously the 'bad girl' of the family, her beauty takes a turn for the deadly side; not quite the diva she had a chance of becoming, but beautiful none the less. She's smart and streetwise and spends a lot of time with the gang in a loner land. Eventually she'll decide to make her own rules and leave the den, unusually early, and for much different reasons than her siblings. She also loves to swim and get wet, and it will be a bonus if she is in mud. Alia is also always going on an adventure, and will stay away for a while.

Eye color: Light Blue
Pup Number: B
Allignment: Lawful Good
RP sample:

Night was coming quickly, and Alia's family was getting ready to go to sleep. Well, all the wolves in her family...except one. The dark gray white wolf teen scanned the area with her frosty ice blue eyes. Then she turned around and watched her siblings yelp for their father's attention. But Alia would just pretend, for now, until she could go out into her world. Her world is not dawn, or day, or dusk; and she has to share it, the night. Her world is the world were everything starts to hunt, or sleep. Yes, there is a few owls hunting for mice, and some bats, but Alia would pay no mind to them.

Alia would travel only to one place, with no stops on the way there, and greet only a few wolves, and pay no mind to anything else. But now, Alia must pretend to sleep until the soft snoring of her family would alert her. Alia curled into her sleeping postion and closed her eyes until there was the soft snoring she had waited for. Now she could move, and go to the gang she led. Alia uncurled herself, and went to the edge of the den. She stretched then began to run across the grass to her gang. She caught a few bats, then paused for a rest. Then she continued to her gang.

She was back in her world, and everything was perfect; until morning.