
A frozen Waste


02-17-2013, 09:40 AM
The brute smiled as he enjoyed to see Ookami happy, it was what made him happy. If she was happy then he was happy and if she was sad then he was sad. But he would have to even be there for her as she was with him. Thane nuzzled Ookami back as she did so and then looked up to the sky. The brute liked to watch the stars as well, perhaps his family was up their, as well as Ookami's, if she believed in that as well.

Twas only when the femme seemed to think she looked a bit sad. They had both lost their families and she was the only family he had now. He wouldn't let anything hurt her but then this world is so extravagant with devilish things and evil and so many that could harm one wolf that it was almost impossible. But by the stars he would throw his own life down for his beloved and he knew it.

As she spoke he listened and nodded, they would make the most of the future that lie ahead of them together. As she liked his muzzle he touched his nose to hers and gave a soft smile.

"I'm not going anywhere and we're in this together; lets certainly make the most of it until our sould depart from this land."