
Feeling So Free



9 Years
03-09-2016, 12:55 AM

>>Whoa! He nearly fell back when she startled and let out a sharp bark. He stifled laughter as he righted himself, crimson eyes gazing playfully up at her as she composed herself too. "Sorry! You almost made me fly out of my fur! So I guess we're even eh?" He chuckled, his fluffy tail waving behind him. He was so happy to see she was feeling and looking so much better. He realized then that something was different about her. Without another word he stretched his neck up towards her and squinted. "Hmmm..." He thought for a moment, and then it came to him! She wasn't stuttering! Not only that, but she held herself differently then she usually did. Interesting.

As he leaned back to give her back her space, he kept a cheery gaze on her. He hadn't really noticed that her sister was lurking nearby, nope. He was more interested in Finch at the moment. When she leaned down to look at the feathers he had, her question puzzled him for a second. "Huh?" She looked expectantly at him, fiery orbs met blue and for a moment he had forgotten why he was here. Only the sound of a bird flying overhead pulled him from his momentary forgetfulness before he scrambled onto his feet.

"Oh right! Uh, yes! I climbed the tallest trees and fought the most vicious eagle to get these. Rough journey I tell ya!" Alright, maybe he was exaggerating...alot. Clearing his throat, he picked them up and leaped up to sit on the rock with her, placing them carefully beside her. "Actually, they're the same feathers you and I used for training. I meant to give them to you after, but I eh...forgot. I uh...wanted to give them to you when you woke up, and're awake!" A shy, lopsided grin formed with shy and embarrassed laughter to accompany it.