
Feeling So Free

Finch I


4 Years

03-09-2016, 01:14 AM (This post was last modified: 03-09-2016, 03:41 PM by Evelyn.)

She gave a small giggle when she noticed that he had gotten all fluffed up too, just like she had! He said that they were even, and she gave a small nod of her head. So, is this was a civil conversation was like? She sat on it for a moment, and then blinked rapidly at the fox face that was suddenly so close to hers. What, was there something on her face? She went cross eyed trying to spy something on herself, only to narrow her eyes slightly when he hummed at her. "What?" she asked softly, suddenly very much aware that he was close to her. She blinked rapidly again when a flush came to her cheeks, and she bashfully dipped her head down. Looking at Dart from under her lashes she gave him a timid smile, confused at why she felt so flush. She just wasn't used to others so close to her face, that had to be it.

When she asked about the feathers, Dart seemed to forget that he even had them with him. She let off another suppressed giggle, ears flickering in amusement. How could he have forgotten already? What a silly fox. He told her a dopey about climbing a tree to get them, and her pale head tilted to the side. "But foxes can't climb trees..." she said softly, confusion touching her voice. It didn't sink in fully that he was trying to tell a joke. Finch didn't get out much, there was a lot of learning for her to do when jt came to conversing. He then told her that they were from the training, and that he wanted to give them to her. She looked at him with a baffled look, her pale up eyes growing wide. "B-but why?" she asked, so mystified that she stuttered slightly. Why would he give her such a lovely gift like this? He hardly even knew her... Looking down at the feathers, she carefully ran her paw across the smooth surface. They were really beautiful, but where would she put them? It was obvious that he had tailored them to be worn, but where? She had a necklace already, and she didn't want them tickling her ear. She trailed off, thinking about them, when suddenly the winds shifted.

Finch's head rose when her sisters scent reached her, a smile on her lips when she spotted her a little ways away. She kept looking between her and somewhere else, leaving the woman a little bit confused. "Sparrow! Come see what Dart has!" she called, not even asking the fox if he minded. To her it didn't matter, she was her sister and she hadn't seen her since that night they spoke. "I think I'm ready to go and get some water now," she mused out loud, t honking back to when she had offered to go with her.

Art by KatG6