
Between one breath and the next



6 Years
Dragon Mod
03-09-2016, 08:10 PM

Glacier's response to his question about his daughter brought a pang to his heart. Which was more than unusual for him, but when it came to his children, it seemed to happen more often then not. While he felt no remorse for the things he'd done in the past, he couldn't help but actually feel things for his family. Silva was grieving, which was expected. He was sure his other younger children were too, and perhaps his older ones too in their own way. He wanted to see them so badly. But he knew that time would allow him that the same way it had allowed Glacier.

"She will begin to accept it over time. She is strong, and in your care I believe she will only grow stronger." That much he believed. Glacier would go on to speak about his other children, amber gaze never leaving the male as he listened. It was true. Enigma wouldn't do well there, he was a mirror image of him in personality, but perhaps a bit more...understanding then he himself had. While Enigma followed in ambition, he was also more reserved and kept to himself. The others?  He did not think Enigma's Littermates would not have any trouble in finding their place in life. But his other four needed guidance.

He nodded to Glacier in understanding. "I do not expect your pack to take them all in, Enigma and his Littermates will find their place in the world. But my younger four need the guidance that someone they can trust can give them. I know not what is happening in your world now, but i ask that you find my eldest son. You'll find him in tall grass Plains, and hopefully Arietta and the others will be there." He wondered if it was alot to ask. And were he still alive he probably wouldn't bother asking such a thing. But as it was, he couldn't do anything for them here. He worried most for his son Obscuro. The boy had been born blind, and there was no doubt the boy was finding it hard to do things without him there to teach him. "Obscuro..." He missed his son. There was no denying that. He was different then the others, the lamb among wolves. And while he missed them all, he worried about him the most.