
It's a trap!



2 Years
Extra large

03-09-2016, 10:22 PM
Her tongue lolled out between her lips as she panted and caught her breath. Before she answered tars surprised question or his curious eyes, she cast a fugitive glance behind her. The entrance of his den remained clear and wolf free - she didn't think anyone had followed her. She lowered her voice and creeped closer to her friend, her pose indicated she was about to let him in on a secret. "Tar. Did i ever tell you how i through Beach swollowed up illume?" She asked, casting another glance behind herself. The way was still clearer, no wolves lingered outside. All the same, she lowered her voice another octave. "I think there's more to the story then just that she said, jumping right in without finding out if tar even knew the original story.

Her words became so quiet that if mortar didn't lean it he would miss them. "I think the adults are hiding something from us" she hissed. "Don't you think it's strange tha-" there was the soft pad of steps behind her and she broke off mid word and turned around suspiciously. She would see the yellow form of volt stroll past the den, and her tail swished judgingly behind her. Volt smiled at the pups, his signature toothy grin and said hello before he went on his way. She waited until his footfall had faded into the distance before casting weary eyes at mortar. Have you ever heard of the story of Andromeda?" She questioned him, and this time she did jump in to tell him. Poor tar, he would be lucky to get a word in edge ways.

"It was about an alpha who had a daughter who was beautiful and vain. She offended the children of the sea good and the sea god rose up and started to drown the alphas kingdom, demanding that he sacrifice his daughter" her voice rose and lowered, shifting like the sea itself as she told the tale with every bit of creativity she possessed. "Doesn't that sound familiar to you? the beach was flooded. Illume was taken by the sea. I know that illume was taken first and it was a couple seasons after that the beach flooded.... but what if they are connected somehow? What are the adults covering up? What if the sea gods where angry? The beach flooded shortly after I was born. What if they demand me next!?" Her voice rose almost to a shout and she smothered it and cast a look about them, making sure she hadn't drawn any attention to their den.