
Feeling So Free

Finch I


4 Years

03-09-2016, 11:24 PM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2016, 01:10 PM by Evelyn.)

The young woman giggled softly as he made a comment about Civetta, she was a pretty feisty bird for one of her size. Plus, her friends feathers were really small, these ones were so long and pretty. "I... thank you, Dart. They are so pretty..." she said softly, her pale blue eyes gazing at the trio of feathers. But where could she even put them? "I'm supposed to wear it, right? But where should I put them?" she asked, looking back up at him. Studying his face, Finch felt a strange feeling in her belly. Feeling bashful all of the sudden, she looked away and blinked furiously. What on earth was thst? Could it be... no. She didn't have a crush on Dart, did she? He was a lot older than her, and not even the same species! But... he was the first wolf outside of her family that really treated her this way. Plus be was fluffy and cuddly, and... Ugh! Why was she having these thoughts? Was she going crazy?

Turning around when Sparrow approached, she was thankful for the distraction. Beaming at her sister, she noticed that she wasn't as bubbly as usual. Her smile disappeared in an instant, her head tilting to the side as she glanced at Sparrow's face. Was she feeling okay? She made a mention of them sparring tomorrow, and her tail beat on the earth. "Any time! I can't promise I will be any good though, I have a feeling I will spend more time on the ground than on my paws," she muttered. Honestly, Finch didn't know the first thing about fighting. But to learn with her sister was certainly an interesting concept to her, and one she was looking forward to. Between Sparrow and Lark, she had a feeling that she would get the hang of it sooner or later. Maybe she should ask Starling to join her...

Brought back to the present with Dart's words, feeling heat flood to her cheeks at his comment about them being pretty. Sputtering, she shuffled slightly and focused on Sparrow instead of Dart, her eyes slightly wide. She looked at her litter mate with confusion all over her face, she had no idea why she was feeling like this. Unless... unless she really did have a crush on him. 'Help me!' she mouthed to the white and brown woman. She had no experience with this, or the ups and downs of any of... well anything to do with love and feelings. Her mother had vanished, and Bass avoided the topic like the plague. Maybe Sparrow knew something about it...

Shaking herself, she tried to calm the heat in her pale cheeks as she looked between the fox and her sister. "We should all do something together, celebrate!" she offered, perhaps speaking a bit too fast. Really, Finch needed to get it together. The usually shy girl was acting foolish.

Art by KatG6