
Sharpen Your Blades, Keep Them Ready



6 Years

03-09-2016, 11:42 PM

Others arrived and Faite watched as Zuriel came over to sit by her letting their shoulders touch. She offered a grin to her litter-mate. She'd failed to spend any quality time with her family and she realized she needed to change that. She'd have to try and think of something fun she and her sister could do at some point. She'd spent plenty of time away from them. It was about time she did something fun with all of them for a change. She really needed to get to know Baine more too. Tornach had run off before she'd gotten a chance to know her brother, that was a shame, but she didn't want to miss hr opportunity with her younger sister either.

She didn't think on it long though as Surreal started the meeting as soon as everyone had arrived. She was quick to congratulate them, almost like sugar before salt, and then turned around and said they needed to work harder. Her mother did have a point and she made a mental note to try and fix that. Other than their spar to see if she was worthy to be a Legionary, she hadn't participated in anymore spars. She wanted to prove to her mother that she was serious about the ranks she wanted and she wanted to be useful in a fight. She definitely had a lot to work on and practice was going to be the only way to do that.

Ears perked up as her mother mentioned some good news. To her surprise she promoted Miksa and Faite couldn't help but grin for the male. It was nice to know that he'd been promoted. It was a shame that Uncle Cas wasn't here to get a promotion too. She knew her mother had been excited about Castiel being in the pack and had high hopes for him. She worried for her uncles well being and she was sad he wasn't here. She could only hope that he'd return soon.

She was more than surprised when her mother addressed her. Eyes widened slightly as her mother congratulated her as well and then said she was promoted along with Miksa. Her tail thumped wildly against the ground as her grin grew. She'd earned her rank! She was more than pleased that she'd impressed her mother enough to earn her place as Legionary.

Lastly Surreal gave them sparring partners and she was excited to learn they'd be switching up every season. That meant she'd get to spar with everyone in the pack! What made this time special was that she'd been partnered up with Regulus. She eyed him, large form and all, as she tried to calculate how hard this would be. He was a foot taller than her and outweighed her by a good bit. This would be difficult but she could see what her mother was aiming for. She'd definitely do the best she could.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]