
Not Strong Enough



3 Years
Extra large
03-10-2016, 03:59 AM

Anyone could feel heartbreak losing their family and loved ones, but the pain she felt was different. It hurt her. It felt like her heart and soul were being torn into two. It was torture - perhaps her consequence for having neglected her family in the past. She had taken them for granted, her family. She always thought they'd always be there, always aggravating her. She had always shut herself away from them, whenever they hadn't wanted to spend time with her. At times she had even wished for them to leave her alone or be completely rid of this world. It wasn't until they were gone she needed them, wanted them by her side. She hadn't been grateful to have them until they left her. The thought brought a sick feeling to her stomach. If only she could have seen the future; she would have never brought such a cruel reality upon them if she had known better.

Now all she had left was a brother barely holding onto his pack and an ever-so-close friend. His touches nuzzled into her fur and words of comfort sounded to her ears. However, it was his last statement of reassurance that ignited the fire within her. Lies! All lies! Deep down, he knew it was her fault; he just didn't want to admit it. He just wanted to make her feel better by hiding the truth. She knew the truth. She knew it as her fault. "No it's not!" she screamed, flattening her ears in anguish as her energy and temper levels swiftly spiked. She squirmed in his hold, wanting to attack every object in sight. "They hate me!" Momentarily her burst of fury and energy depleted, making her body limp once again. Her snarls and cries turned into quiet sobs as she bawled her eyes out once more into his protective form. "T-That's w-why th-they left."
