
Adventure awaits!



3 Years
03-10-2016, 03:38 PM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2016, 04:50 PM by Azra.)
So at the moment Azra is my only character, but that's sure to change in the future. I am hoping to get her into some interesting adventures, so just let me know if you're interested in a thread!

Azrael Diranethe | ♀ | 3 years | Loner | True Neutral

Looking for: Information about herbalism in Alacritia, information about Alacritia in general, worthy allies, those that may need a problem to be solved.

About Azra:
Azra recently arrived to the southern shores of Alacritia. She prefers to avoid the subject of her past, but will admit to some skill as a healer, herbalist, and informant. Finding herself in unfamiliar surroundings, she is stripped of all but the most rudimentary skills, and as such learning about the flora, fauna, and information about the packs of the region, is a top priority.

While some may think that her training as an herbalist would indicate a giving, nurturing soul, in truth she simply seeks to leverage her skills for anything they're worth in this world. She has a heart, but she definitely doesn't wear it on her sleeve. As a former spy, she is seeking a new life, and finally believes she's run far enough to find a place where she can make that happen. However, it's harder to leave your old self behind, and Azra is who she is. She gets bored easily with the mundane and everyday, craving a challenge, a problem to solve - she enjoys putting a dramatic flair on things and getting a job done with style. She's on the lookout for trustworthy allies, or those who might need a problem solved in return for a favor - though she would rather do a noble job for a cheap price than a truly dirty one for any price. She may be living life like a mercenary now, but her freedom allows her the luxury of having her own standards.

She is unlikely to pledge her loyalty to just anyone, and considers those who would to be foolish. She's also uninterested in that crazy thing called 'love', it's happened to her before and she doesn't care to repeat the experience if she can help it. Companionship, flirting and physical affection, even the benefits of a relationship are another thing, a tool among many she has been known to use and occasionally. She's not above enjoying herself temporarily, but she prefers not to open her heart willingly, believing that such emotions erode her better judgement.

Current location :
South (Sea's Plain/Alabastine Shrine area)
Head North from there...?
Current threads:
Soul Reflections << open!