
Feeling So Free



9 Years
03-10-2016, 10:13 PM

>>The small canine nodded at Finch's thanks. Crimson eyes sparkling as he beamed. He was glad she liked them, after all it seemed she was quite taken with feathers. Maybe it was because she was named after a bird...that was his conclusion anyway. When she asked where she could put them, he wore a thoughtful look. Thinking about it, wearing it around her ears probably wasn't a good idea since Civetta seemed to like hanging around there. If it were him, he'd wear it around his ears or...aha! "How about your tail? I think they'd look great there. You'll have tail feathers!" Perfect.

He chuckled when Sparrow came to join them, feeling small next to them considering he was shorter then both of them. Not so much compared to Sparrow, but Finch was taller then him by almost a foot. Still, his size never bothered him compared to wolves. He was the normal size for his own species, and while he lived among wolves, he knew he would never be one. It was amusing though.

The girl's talked about their own little thing, sparring and such. While Dart would be interested in such things, he didn't think he could fight them. He would hate if he accidentally hurt either of them, but he was not opposed to helping or coaching in the future if they ever asked. They were sweet, how could he ever bring himself to bite them or anything like that? He hadn't exactly noticed their reactions after he said they were pretty, naturally he assumed that's just how they were. But when Finch and Sparrow spoke quickly and...weird, he rose a brow in confusion.

Uh-oh, I think I broke them! The scene though, was pretty amusing. Was he that straightforward? Of course, he didn't think he was charming. At least, he didn't pay attention to it. He was who he was. I wonder if I can get Bass to act like that. Hmm... It would he funny to see Bass flustered. Thoughts aside, he tilted his head at their comments and suggestions of celebration. Yup! He was in if they didn't mind. "Sounds like fun! I'm a pretty good Fisher if I do say so myself, I can show you girls some tricks if you want!"
