
Adventure awaits!



3 Years
03-11-2016, 05:41 PM
I have a feeling I'm gonna be swamped with threads for Azra pretty quickly xD I would like to keep her travels and threads in a sensible order, so I'm not sure how quickly I'll be able to get to all these threads but I am down for threading with all of you eventually :o

Kenai, a thread would be great! And recruitment attempts are welcome, Azra probably isn't looking to jump into a pack right away but she would be very interested to possibly make a connection, learn about Borealis and maybe meet their healer. She'll probably make her way inland along the Rio Grande for a bit, if it would make sense for her to run into him there? And I hardly use Skype but my ID is winter-bright. I guess I should add that to my profile....

Eve, I would be up for her meeting Amalia, or any of your characters, really. Whoever you happen to have in the neighborhood of an open thread in the future is fine with me ~

Shrapnel, I think Grimmjow sounds intriguing! I'm not sure how well they would get along but I think a meeting between them would be fun, not your usual meet and greet thread at all ~ What parts of Ala does he frequent? Also Creed sounds interesting and Azra is always up for hearing a recruitment pitch and the information it contains ;3

Sea, does Seraphiel travel from Donostrea's lands much? I was planning on having Azra go inland and north-ish rather than along the coast, but if they could run into eachother somewhere along the river or something that could work?