
Down to the River



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
03-11-2016, 08:42 PM

"Wow." Wow? Occasionally he forgot the significance of his title. Valentine would demand a certain amount of respect in all situations even if he weren't an alpha, so sometimes the reactions he earned upon telling someone his rank came as a surprise. Was his ego, he silently mused to himself, so big that he thought he deserved the respect regardless of whether or not he was Mr. Important Alpha? "Yes ma'am, I did," he murmured with a soft smile.

He was unreasonably dismayed to learn that Epiphron no longer ran Fiori. It wasn't like he'd known her well or anything, but she'd seemed so steadfast, so worthy of her title and more than capable enough to see her dreams become reality that it was hard to imagine her pack without her at its helm. Perhaps he'd have to see for himself if this Leo fellow was as good as Ara claimed. He had a hard time picturing it, but he doubted Epiphron would have simply given her pack away to any ole boob regardless of the relationship. "I'm glad to hear it, although I must admit it's a little disappointing to learn about the change in leadership." The names of Alacritia's alphas were ever changing.

Wishing to continue the conversation, Valentine almost made himself more comfortable by sinking back onto his haunches before he remembered just how mucky the ground was. He stopped himself just in time. The King settled for briefly shifting his weight from mucky paw to mucky paw as he said, "If I may ask, what was the southern continent like? Should I ever retire or be displaced I think I'd like to explore there. I've heard remarkable things." He was genuinely curious and telling the truth; should he ever have the time he wanted to travel the south.

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.