
A little shut-eye will do



9 Years
03-12-2016, 12:33 AM

They were both time-bombs just waiting to explode - it was impossible to tell when one of them might go off. Tension rippled through the air between them at the slightest happening. Just the thought, the assumption of an insult, nearly caused things to snap between them. Merely the wrong look or a shift in body posture caused unnecessary strain. Xephyris glanced to her only briefly, knowing that she was just as volatile as he was, just as ready to let loose. His eyes once more looked to the water, watching the steam ripple upward from the hot springs. As he spoke in response to her question, filling her in on more than she had asked for, he was surprised that she listened at all, but glad she did not interrupt or blow him off. Sometimes he just needed to ramble, even if he was normally quiet, a wolf of few words.

He couldn't help but to watch her, of course, after mentioning the name of Hellstrom, waiting for her reaction. Dark amusement filled him as her lip curled in a snarl - disgust was obvious in her burning red eyes. So, that's how she felt about it? His ears perked as she spoke, her words very limited but dripping with hatred; she didn't need to say anymore. He understood her hatred, after all Sin had not been a well-loved man except amongst his own followers and family. But where was the fun and the chaos in being loved and welcomed everywhere you went? A deep chuckle bellowed from him as she asked if she'd really followed him, then he went quiet, a toothy grin upon his maw. "Aye," he replied roughly, while a shudder of excitement swept over him, "I followed him proudly, and you'd best believe I'd do it again. Surely someone like you is neither afraid nor offended by the things that Sin accomplished? Authority, taking control, striking fear into others... surely you can understand the draw to such obvious power?"

His tail lashed into the air as he spoke with conviction, his head tilting curiously, cold silver eyes no longer avoiding contact with hers. He wanted to know what she thought, and did not worry if anger ensued. Anger no longer filled him, replaced by a strange curiosity instead. He could see it in her eyes, her expressions - something within her soul was darker than most others. Though her arrogance surely aggravated him, something about her edgy attitude drew him to want to know more. Perhaps they would always irritate one another, but if they were to follow Riv, then they'd never escape each other - they'd best get used to it now, and Xephyris wondered if, once they pushed passed their obvious tension, they might actually have more in common than they thought.

"Talk" "You" Think