
Captivate me



9 Years
03-12-2016, 02:10 AM
Oh, it was so painful to not know if they understood one another. However he tried, he just wasn't quite sure if he was getting his message across. Whatever language it was that she spoke, were his attempts to mimic it correct? He could only guess that his words were somewhat close as she seemed to become a little bashful; had he been able to compliment her properly in her language? Did she know what he was saying? He dearly hoped so, as he wanted her to know just how beautiful he thought she was, and he wanted her to know how much he was enjoying her company. There was still much he wished to learn about her, but this initial encounter was absolutely entrancing.

At his touch, Soleil did not flinch or move away, so he did linger just a moment longer before he pulled away. As he looked upon her face, his eyes scanning over her striking features and at last meeting her eyes again, he noticed the smile upon her facial complexion. Then, very suddenly, she would reach forward and plant a kiss upon the end of his nose, at which point his normally still and steady heart would skip a beat, his breath catching for a moment. He leaned in, magnetized by her presence. Oh, how he wished to press into her and embrace her, but he did not wish to force himself upon her and frighten her away. So instead he would catch himself and pull back again, steadying his stance.

She spoke, and the look upon her face became entranced, just as he was. It was hard to know exactly what she was saying; he heard her words, a couple of which he now recognized, but it was mostly her facial expression that told him what he needed to know. She was returning the compliment, and he swelled with pride. It seemed that she was just as interested in him, as he was in her. So he leaned forward again, brushing his muzzle against the side of hers - he wished to kiss her, his body wanting her, but he would keep just out of reach, respecting her. Standing so close to her, he still managed to meet her eyes. "Soleil, come walk with me," he murmured in a low tone, nearly a whisper. He gestured to the lake, and to the land around it, and took several steps away from her, glancing over his shoulder, waving his tail in a beckoning motion. He hoped that she would come to his side, as it would feel so right to have her join him.

The sun had risen now and glinted beautifully over the lake as life buzzed around them - so drawn to her beauty, he had almost forgotten their surroundings. He hoped that she would walk with him just to enjoy the fresh morning air, the perfect setting for a relaxing stroll together. He looked to her, waiting for her response. Even if they couldn't talk fully in understanding of one another, they could still enjoy the physical presence, and perhaps in time they would break down this barrier to become closer.